cjwho: Schein Loft, Manhatten, NYC by Archi-Tectonics Located on...

Schein Loft, Manhatten, NYC by Archi-Tectonics
Located on the edge of Soho, NYC, a former six- story warehouse is renovated, with a new 11 story ‘smart loft’ building wrapping up and over it. The introduction of modern architecture creates a nice contrast; its innovative folded glass curtain wall allows an amazing view over the Hudson River. The NYC building code is here re-interpreted; the horizontal plane of the traditional urban fabric is questioned by the insertion of a diagonal surface that bifurcates the facade plane. It integrates the strict building setback codes into the new folded vertical landscape of the glass facade. The code allows the façade to rise straight up to 85ft and then to follow an inclined plane of 2.7:1 as a setback. Here the code was re-coded; the two rules were followed and the mathematical tool of inflection was introduced to provide a system that would “equalize” the façade, and create a ‘glass waterfall’.